A ball is out of bounds when it comes to rest:
a). On or over any boundary wall fence (including to the right of hole 17) or line of white stakes.
b). Over the river to the right of holes 9 and 10.
c). on or beyond the river bridge defined by white line.
d). In or on the whole area of Club buildings, car park, professional’s shop, green keeper’s yardand practice putting green, encircled, and defined by surrounding walls, white line and grip.
e). Over the line of white stakes to the right of the 11th green.
The ditches across the 4th,6th, 7th, 10th, 12th, and 13th holes, and the ditch to the rear of the 9th hole are all yellow penalty areas defined by yellow lines and identified by yellow stakes.
The following are red penalty areas defined by red stakes or red lines:
a). The river at the rear of the 6th hole and down the side of the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th holes including the fringe areas of those holes.
b). The ditch to the right of the 5th hole, the ditch to the left of the 9th hole, the ditch to the left of the 10th hole and the ditch to the rear of the 13th hole.
The following constructions are integral parts of the course:
a). The path near the 14th Tee from the end of the red shale path.
b). The barn at the 13th hole.
The following are NO PLAY ZONES:
Flower beds at the Tees of the 1st and 2nd holes.
The Practice chipping and putting green between the 3rd and 17th holes defined by a line. The bunkers within this area are to be treated as general area.
If a player’s ball lies in such an area, or if such an area interferes the player’s stance or area of intended swing, he or she must take relief under Rule 16-1f.
Relief from interference by an Immovable Obstruction may be taken under Rule 16-1.
The player also has these extra options to take relief when such Immovable Obstructions are close to the putting green and on the line of play.
The player may take relief under Rule 16-1b if an Immovable Obstruction is:
On the line of play, and is:
Within two club lengths of the putting green, and
Within two club lengths of the ball.
There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.
Rule 5-2a is modified in this way:
On any day of a stroke play competition practice is permitted on the designated practice chipping and putting green between the 3rd and 17th holes.
Penalty for playing ball from a Wrong Place in breach of Local Rule: General Penalty under Rule 14-7a. Match play:- Loss of Hole.
Stroke play:- 2 Strokes.
The following winter rules will apply from 1st Jan 2019 until 30th April 2019 based upon the new R&A Rules of Golf. An extension of these winter Rules may be obtained if conditions are such that it is deemed necessary.
When a player’s ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from this relief area.
Reference point: spot of the original ball.
Size of Relief Area measured from Reference Point: 6 inches but with these limits:
Limits on Location of Relief Area:
Must not be nearer the hole than the reference point, and
Must be in the general area.
In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place the
ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14-2b(2) and 14-2e.
All greens (including temporary greens) and prepared teeing areas not in use on the day are No Play Zones that are to be treated as Abnormal Course Conditions. Free relief must be taken from interference by the no play zone under Rule 16-1f..
Deep rutted tractor marks are Abnormal Course Conditions. Free relief may be
taken under Rule 16-1.
If a ball lies in or touches an aeration hole on the putting green, the player may
take relief under Rule 16-1d.
But interference does not exist if the aeration hole only interferes with the
player’s stance or line of play.
When a player’s ball lies in the general area the ball may be lifted, cleaned and
replaced without penalty. The player must mark the spot before lifting the ball
(see Rule 14-1) and the ball must be replaced on its original spot,
(see Rule 14-2)
PENALTY. – for playing ball from a Wrong Place in breach of a Local Winter
Rule. General Penalty under Rule 14-7a.
Match play:- Loss of Hole.
Stroke play:- 2 Strokes.