Should a person suffer sudden cardiac arrest whilst at the club, using an Automatic External Defibrillator may save their life.
The club maintains an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) on site, located in the entrance to the Domino Room (the small room at the back of the 19th Bar, opposite the end of the bar itself. Green signs as shown above point the way to the device. The AED is kept on a wall bracket with a First Responder first aid pack.
Above the wall hook is a list of members who have completed a short course on how to use the device.
If someone collapses and is not breathing, call for help immediately and start chest compression. Ringing 999 will ensure an Ambulance arrives, and the call handler will advise you step by step until then. You should send someone to get the AED or to arrange for it to be brought. State clearly where you are on the course. Early use of the AED is more likely to lead to recovery.
You can access a short guide on the use of the Zoll Defibrillator on this link:-
Instuctional videos are also available from the Zoll AED website on this link:-
If you were unable to attend the instructional course, please take a few minutes to watch the videos - our model is the semi-automatic unit. The unit is very simple to use - it has voice commands and will not apply a shock to anyone who does not require it. It also monitors the effectiveness of CPR (chest compressions) to ensure the help you are giving is correct.
Should you need any further information about the AED, please contact the office.